Check box properties

A check box acts as a switch, turning an option on and off, such as indicating whether a fee is refundable or indicating whether a customer wants to be contacted about a service request. You'll typically use a check box to give a user the option to turn a feature, function, property, or some other value on or off.


Property Description
ID (advanced) Identification code for the check box.

You cannot change the IDs of the out-of-the-box controls.

You can change the IDs that Infor Public Sector generates for agency-defined controls, but we recommend that you use the default values.


EditAccessId (advanced)Access ID for the permission that users must be granted to select or clear the check box.
ViewAccessId (advanced)Access ID for the permission that users must be granted to view the check box.
EditAccessPath (advanced) Path of the permission that users must be granted to select or clear the check box.

The access path is an alternative to the access ID. For example, the access ID for the permission to create a work order is 8434, and the path is Work Management/Work Order/Create Work Order.

ViewAccessPath (advanced) Path of the permission that users must be granted to view the check box.


TextText that is displayed next to the check box. This text corresponds to the label on an edit box, but check boxes don’t have separate labels.
ToolTipTooltip that is displayed when a user hovers over the check box.
IsVisible (advanced)The check box will be hidden if you set the IsVisible property to False.
ShowInPortal (advanced) For detail pages, this property indicates whether the check box will be included when the detail is displayed in Infor Rhythm for Civics.


DisabledCanEdit (advanced)Indicates whether users can make a disabled check box editable by clicking the Edit button at the top of an InfoViewer. A control is disabled if its Enabled property is set to False, or if the page is opened through an InfoViewer.
Enabled (advanced)Indicates whether the check box is enabled for user interaction when the user first opens the page it is displayed on.
FollowsAfter (advanced)ID of the control that the check box follows in the page's tab order.


WidthWidth of the check box in pixels. Note that this width applies to both the check box itself and the text that accompanies it.
Left (advanced)Position of the left edge of the check box, in pixels.
Top (advanced)Position of the top of the check box, in pixels.
Height (advanced)Height of the check box in pixels. Note that this height applies to both the check box itself and the text that accompanies it.


ValidationFormulaFormula that will be used to validate the check box.
OnRenderFormula Formula that is executed when the check box is rendered on the page. For example, you can use a formula to show or hide the check box by changing the value of the Visible property.
DeselectRuleId (advanced)Method that will be executed when a user clears the check box.

SeeRules .

SelectionChangedRuleId (advanced)Method that will be executed each time a user either selects or clears the check box.

SeeRules .

SelectRuleId (advanced)Method that will be executed when a user selects the check box.

SeeRules .

OnChangeScript (advanced)Name of the JavaScript function that will be executed when a user either selects or clears the check box.


BindBusiness object property that the check box is bound to. A check box must be bound to a boolean property.
CaptionBindBusiness object property the check box’s caption is bound to. By binding the caption you can show generated information, such as the identification number of a record that a user is viewing.
CheckedIndicates whether the check box will be selected by default when a user opens the page.
IsValueInverted (advanced)Indicates whether the value of the check box is inverted from the value in the database. Typically the value in the database is Y when the box is selected, and N when the box is cleared. If you set this property to True, then N is selected and Y is cleared.
Moniker (advanced)Moniker of the applet that handles rules for this control.