ReportManagement configuration

The ReportManagement configuration stores settings for Birst and IDM document output reports in Infor Public Sector. The root Report Management node has a child Providers node with two children: Birst and IDM Document Output.


The Birst node has these attributes:

Attribute Description
Base Url Base URL for Birst.
Dashboard Root Path Root path for Birst dashboards. The default is Collection\.
Report Root Path Root path for Birst reports. The default is shared\.
Web Service Password Password for Birst.
Web Service Username User name for Birst.

The Birst node has two children: Spaces and Web Service. The Spaces node has one or more Space nodes as children, each of which defines a Birst space that will be available in the Reports Manager. Each Space node can have these attributes:

Attribute Description
Description Description of the space.
Space ID Identifier for the space.
SSO Password SSO password for the space. This can be found under Admin > Manage Space > Modify Properties in Birst. The password will be encrypted.

The Web Service node stores setting for the Birst web service. This node has these attributes:

Attribute Description
Password Password for the web service.
Relative Soap Url Relative URL for the web service. This is relative to the URL specified in the Base Url attribute of the Birst node.
Username User name for the web service.

IDM Document Output

The IDM Document Output node has these attributes:

Attribute Description
DocumentName Used to connect to Infor Document Management in a multi-tenant environment. The value is set during provisioning of the multi-tenant site, so there is no need to edit it.
Password Password for Infor Document Management.
Url URL of the Infor Document Management site.
Username User name for Infor Document Management.