Creating a mitigation factor

  1. Select Asset Management > Advanced Asset Management > Risk Management.
  2. Click Create Mitigation Factor.
  3. Specify this information:
    Specify a name for the mitigation factor.
    Mitigation Method
    Select the method that will be used to set the value of the mitigation factor.

    You can select Formula or Value. Formula means that you will use a formula to calculate the mitigation factor. Value means that you will specify a single value to be used for all assets.

    Mitigation Formula
    If you selected Formula in the Mitigation Method list, specify the formula here.
    Mitigation Value
    If you selected Value in the Mitigation Method list, specify the value of the mitigation factor here.
    Asset Groups
    Enter each asset group that will use the mitigation factor in the grid.
  4. Click Save.