Contact information

Because service requests submitted through Open311 typically include customer contact information (first name, last name, telephone, and email), you must indicate where you want to store that information in the Infor Public Sector database. The two options are to use Infor Public Sector contact records, or to store the contact information in comments on the service request.

The Anonymous Login attribute of the Open311 configuration indicates whether Open311 will use contact records. If set to True, Open311 doesn't add contact records. Contact information will be stored either in the service request comments or the comments of a log entry attached to the service request.

If Anonymous Login is set to False, Open311 will first search for an existing contact record that matches the information submitted. If a contact is found, that contact is used for the service request. If not, a new contact is created. The Contact Match Fields attribute lists the fields that are used to search for an existing contact.