Updating parcels in bulk

If you must make the same changes to a group of parcel records, you can use the lookup to update the parcels in bulk.

  1. Select Resources > Property > Lookup Parcels.
  2. Look up the parcels that you want to update.
  3. Select the parcels that you want to update in the Parcel Lookup Results grid.
  4. Click Action and select Update Selected Items.
    Infor Public Sector shows the Parcel Bulk Update dialog box. The various tabs in this box show the information that you can add or update. You can use the Information tab to update basic parcel information, and use the remaining tabs to add, update, or replace associated records such as addresses, liens, and notices.
  5. On the Information tab, select the check box for each piece of information that you want to update.
    Any fields whose check boxes you don't select won't be affected by the update.
  6. Specify the new values in the selected fields.
    If you select a check box but don't specify anything in the corresponding field, Infor Public Sector will delete the information in that field from all selected parcels.
  7. Click Save.