Creating a service field

For each service definition, you can define up to three service fields, which can be used to store agency-defined data (float8 data type) that is required to bill customers for the service. These fields are displayed in the Account Service InfoViewer, and you can also enter a prompt to gather information for these fields in the move in script.

  1. While editing a service definition, click the Create Field link next to one of the service fields.
  2. Specify the field title and description.
  3. To set a default for the service field, enter it in the Default Value field.
  4. To validate the data entered in the field, check Validate using values in table and enter your values in the grid.
    Similar to a code definition, you can define a list of acceptable values for the field. To enter a new value, click Add above the grid, enter the value and a description, and click Save.
  5. To show a prompt for this field in the move in script, enter it in the Prompt Question field under Move In Options.
    The prompt question is displayed in the service box in the move in script so that the CSR can gather the information from the customer.

    You must also enter options for the prompt question, because Infor Public Sector doesn't show the field in the move in script. Each option is represented by an option button. To add an option, click Add above the Options grid and enter the text and value. You must set one option as the default.

    You can also enter one or more help links for the prompt question and for each option. These links are displayed next to the prompt question or the selected option in the move in script. Clicking on a link will show an entry from the Knowledge Base.

    The screenshot below shows an example of a prompt question and its options in the move in script. In this case a Discount field has been added for the water service. Two help links, "Discount rates" and "Application form," are displayed to the right of the prompt question, and there are four options underneath. Note that the script shows the text for each option but not the value. When the CSR selects an option, Infor Public Sector will enter the corresponding value in the service field. In this case the values are discount percentages.

  6. To include a message relating to this field in the move out script, enter it in the Notes field under Move Out Options.
    No data is recorded in a service field during the move out process, so you can simply show a message for the CSR to read to the customer. You can also include one or more help links.
  7. Click Save.