Calculating an inheritance rule

You can direct Infor Public Sector to calculate whether a planning condition is added to a child application using an inheritance rule formula. For example, you could write a formula for an inheritance rule that adds a planning condition requiring an environmental impact study to any child building application associated with a parent planning application. You specify an inheritance rule formula when you define an inheritance rule for a planning condition. Note that you must select a CDR product from the Community Development Application Type list before you can access the Formula popup.

Inheritance rule formulas use the oPlanApp, oBldgApp, or oProjApp object (an instance of the Hansen.CDR.Planning.PlanningApplication, Hansen.CDR.Building.BuildingApplication, or Hansen.CDR.Project.ProjectApplication class) to set InheritanceCheck to a Boolean value. Infor Public Sector determines the object based on the product family you selected from the Community Development Application Type list. If the formula returns True, Infor Public Sector adds the planning condition. If the formula returns False, Infor Public Sector doesn't add the planning condition. For more information about this object and for sample code, see the Information tab in the Formula Editor.


This formula adds the planning condition to any planning application that affects the Eldridge property.

InheritanceCheck = False
If oPlanApp.Property.PropertyName.ToUpper = "ELDRIDGE" Then
  InheritanceCheck = True
End If

This formula adds the planning condition to any building application with a residential occupancy type.

InheritanceCheck = False
If oBldgApp.OccupancyType.Code.ToUpper = "RES" Then
  InheritanceCheck = True
End If

This formula adds the planning condition to any project application with a building area greater than 60,000 square feet.

InheritanceCheck = False
If oProjApp.BuildingArea > 60000 Then
  InheritanceCheck = True
End If