Adding a stock area to the Resource Manager

You can use the Stock Area tree in the Resource Manager to list the stock areas you're responsible for. To add a stock area, right-click the Stock Area node and select Add Stock Area to List. Then specify the stock area's ID in the Stock Area field and click Finish.

Alternatively, you can click the Stock Area node to show the Stock Area grid in the right pane, and then click Add above the grid. Infor Public Sector then shows the Stock Area popup, which you can use to search for the stock area you want. When you find the correct stock area, select it in the grid and click Select.

Infor Public Sector shows a subnode for each stock area under the Stock Area node. To open a stock area, right-click its node and select Open/Edit Stock Area, or click the stock area's ID in the Stock Area grid.

Each stock area has two subnodes of its own, Classification and Part. The Part node lists all of the parts that are assigned to the stock area in a single list. The Classification node also lists parts, but groups them by their classifications. You can use the part nodes to view stock information and to add transactions.