Recording contact aliases

An alias indicates that two contacts in your database with different names represent the same person or entity. This functionality is designed for cases where the person's or entity's legal name has changed. If you change the name in the original contact record, you can no longer search on the original name. Instead, you can create a new contact record with the new name and then link the two records in an alias relationship. Recording aliases is similar to linking duplicate contacts, but neither contact is expired in an alias relationship.

  1. Open the correct contact record.
  2. Select the Also Known As tab in the Contact InfoViewer.
  3. Click Add above the Aliases and Duplicates grid.
  4. Ensure that an Alias is displayed in the list in the dialog box.
  5. Enter the contact for which the current contact is an alias in the fields to the right of the list.
  6. Use the Primary option buttons under the contact names to indicate which is the primary record.
  7. Click Save.