Adding a part stocked without a location

Before a part can be used in a stock transaction, it must be assigned to a stock area.

Note: You can also use the Part InfoViewer to change a part's location.
  1. Load the stock area you want into the Stock Area InfoViewer.
  2. On the Information tab, ensure that the Locations Required for Stock Area check box is not selected.
  3. On the Locations tab, under Parts stocked without Locations, enable editing in the grid and click Add.
  4. Specify this information:
    Part #
    Specify the identification code for the part.
    Unit of Issue
    Specify the type of units in which the stock is issued, such as in boxes or on pallets.
    Qty per Unit of Issue
    Specify the number of parts in each unit of stock, such as 20 parts per box.
    Order Information
    Specify any other order information.
    Associated Information
    Specify any other information about the part.
    Note: The ordering information that you specify applies to all parts of this type in the stock area, regardless of location. If you update the ordering information for the part in one location, such as changing the reorder level, it is updated for all locations within the same stock area.
  5. Click Save.
    Infor Public Sector closes the dialog box and shows the part in the Parts stocked without Locations grid.