Adding an asset valuation book

  1. Select Asset Management > Asset Valuation > Asset Valuation Books > Add Asset Valuation Book.
  2. Specify this information:
    Asset Valuation Book
    Specify a unique name for the book.
    Type a description of the book.
    Depreciation Date Options
    Select how Infor Public Sector will calculate depreciation for the book's assets.

    You can select one of these options.

    • Not Allowed: Depreciations can't be performed on assets in this book.
    • Up to Current Date: Depreciations can be performed up to the current date. Use this option to calculate past depreciation.
    • Past Current Date: Depreciations can be performed past the current date. Use this option to calculate future depreciation.
    • Past Current Date Before End Of Financial Year: Depreciations can be performed past the current date but only up to the end of the financial year. Use this option to calculate an asset's depreciation for entire year.
    Revaluation Date Options
    Select how Infor Public Sector will calculate revaluation for the book's assets.

    You can select one of these options:

    • Not Allowed: Revaluations can't be performed on assets in the book.
    • Up to Current Date: Revaluations can be performed up to the current date. Use this option to calculate past revaluation.
    • Past Current Date: Revaluations can be performed past the current date. Use this option to calculate future revaluation.
    • Past Current Date Before End Of Financial Year: Revaluations can be performed past the current date but only up to the end of the financial year. Use this option to calculate revaluation for an entire year.
  3. Click Save.
    Infor Public Sector shows a message that the asset valuation book was created successfully. You can click the Asset Valuation Book link to view and edit the book in the Asset Valuation Book InfoViewer. You can also create another book, either from scratch or with the current book's values.