Creating a collections scheme

Each collections scheme represents a particular path through the collections process, as defined in a set of collections milestones. When you send an account to collections, Infor Public Sector first selects the correct scheme based on the entry scheme formula defined for the collections group, and then selects the correct milestone based on the scheme's milestone formula. Each scheme also assigns accounts to a collections manager or agency. A collections manager is an employee in your agency who is responsible for collections. A collections agency is an outside agency, identified by a contact record. Note that Infor Public Sector also automatically creates a Liens scheme to handle lien processing.

  1. Select Billing > Setup > Delinquency > Collections Setup.
  2. In the Collections Setup tree, right-click the node for the parent collection group and select Create Scheme.
  3. Specify this information:
    Specify a name for the scheme.
    Entry Milestone Formula
    Specify a formula to determine which milestone accounts are assigned to.
    Collection Manager
    If your agency handles collections, specify the employee ID of the collection manager.
    Collections Agency
    If an outside agency handles collections, specify the contact ID.
    Display Order
    Specify a number indicating the order in which the scheme will be displayed.
  4. Click Save.