Reviewing risk summary information

Lookup Risk Summary Groups is the tool that you use to review summary risk information for asset groups. You can also use Lookup Asset Risk to review more detailed risk information for individual assets.

To review summary risk information, enter your search criteria on the Lookup Risk Summary Groups page and click Search. The Lookup Risk Summary Group grid shows each group that matches your criteria. You can click the group ID in the Summary Group column to open the Risk Summary Group InfoViewer.

Depending on the group, the Risk Summary Group InfoViewer shows either current risk information for the assets in the group or information from a selected risk history record.

The information that is displayed includes a list of the asset groups in the risk summary group, the total number of assets, and the average risk score for these assets. The Unassigned Risk Events field shows the number of events for which risk calculations haven't been completed. The Risk Matrix grid shows totals of at-risk assets broken down by criticality and PoF description.

You can click the InfoViewer's Action button and select Recompile Summary to recompile the risk summary information for either current or historical groups. For groups that show current risk results, you can also click Action and select Recalculate Risk to recalculate the risk scores.