Adding a new work order to a group project
- Load the group project into the Group Project InfoViewer.
- Click Action and select Add New Work Order.
Group Project Items,
Add, and specify this
- Activity
- Specify the activity for the new work order.
- Milestone
- Specify the milestone for the work order.
- Under Initial Information, specify any other information for the work order.
- Under Assets, click Add.
Select the asset for the new work order, and specify this
- Asset Type
- Select the type of asset. Only valid asset types are displayed.
- Asset ID
- Click to open an asset in the asset InfoViewer.
- Search for and select the asset on which the activity will be performed and click Select. Select multiple assets if you want to add a work order for each one.
When you're finished adding assets, click
Select to add the assets
to the group project.
Assets can be reordered in the Group Project Items grid. This is the order in which the work orders are generated.
- Click Save.