Adding a spot inspection to a work order

You can add spot inspections to a work order manually, or they might be added automatically. When you create a work order, Infor Public Sector adds any spot inspections that are associated with the selected activity. If spot inspections are added automatically, you must still use the Work Order InfoViewer to enter the results.

  1. Load the work order you want into the Work Order InfoViewer.
    You access the Work Order InfoViewer by clicking the Work Order Number or "Open Work Order" link for the work order on any form that shows the link.
  2. On the Spot Inspections tab, click Add above the grid.
    The Spot Inspections tab is only displayed if spot inspections are enabled for the work order's activity.
  3. Specify this information:
    Spot Inspection
    Enter the type of spot inspection that you want to add to the work order.
    Enter the result of the spot inspection. The type of value that you enter depends on the format type of the selected spot inspection type. For example, the value might be an integer, a date, or a code definition.
  4. Click Save.