Calculating when to advance a work order

You can direct Infor Public Sector to calculate whether a work order can advance from its current milestone to the next using a Status Check formula.

For example, you could write a formula that checks whether the work order has been scheduled.

Status Check formulas use the oWorkOrder object (an instance of the Hansen.WorkManagement.WorkOrder class) to set bIsSatisfied to either True or False. If the formula returns True, the status check passes. If the formula returns False, the status check does not pass. After all status checks pass, Infor Public Sector advances the work order to the next milestone. For more information about this object and for sample code, click the Information tab in the Formula Editor.


This formula requires the work order to be assigned to an employee.

If (oWorkOrder.IsAssigned = True) Then
   bIsSatisfied = True
   bIsSatisfied = False
End If

This formula requires labor costs to be recorded for the work order. This formula checks the LaborCosts collection for oWorkOrder to see if any labor cost has been recorded.

dim oLaborCost as Hansen.WorkManagement.ILaborCost
dim lCounter as Integer = 0

For each oLaborCost in oWorkOrder.LaborCosts
   If oLaborCost.TotalCost > 0 Then
      lCounter += 1
   End If
Next oLaborCost
If lCounter > 0 Then
   bIsSatisfied = True
   bIsSatisfied = False
End If