Calculating whether to add a detail

Use an Add On Condition formula to calculate whether to add a detail to a work order.

Specify an Add On Condition formula for a detail when you define an activity detail. For example, you could write a formula that requires a hazardous substance detail for any cleaning work that may use hazardous cleaning agents, or a formula that requires a work zone detail that records the location and detour route for major street work.

Add on condition formulas use the oWorkOrder object (an instance of the Hansen.WorkManagement.WorkOrder class) to set bInclude to either True or False. If the formula returns True, the detail is added to the work order. If the formula returns False, the detail is not added to the work order. For more information about this object and for sample code, click the Information tab in the Formula Editor.


This formula adds an item if the asset will be put out of service during the performance of the work order.

If (oWorkOrder.CausesOutage = True) Then
  bInclude = True
  bInclude = False
End If

This formula adds an item if the type of vehicle used for the work order is a one-ton cargo truck.

If (oWorkOrder.VehicleCosts.VehicleType = "Cargo1Ton") Then
  bInclude = True
  bInclude = False
End If