The asset that the
activity specified in the work order will be performed on. This constraint
defines the behavior of the
Asset list. If an
activity does not have any supported assets assigned to it, setting this
constraint to
Required will make the activity valid for
all asset types.
The location of
the asset specified in the work order. This constraint defines the behavior of
the address fields for work orders.
Location Information
location information for the work order. This constraint defines the behavior
of the
Location field in work
Close Information
Information about
the completion of the work order, such as when the work order was completed and
who completed it. This constraint defines the behavior of the
Closed and
Closed By fields for
work orders.
Assignment Information
The employee who
was assigned to the work order. This constraint defines the behavior of the
Assigned To field for
work orders.
Budget Number
The accounting
budget number used to track the cost of the work order. This constraint defines
the behavior of the
Budget # field for
work orders.
Major Failure
Indicates whether
the asset experienced a major failure. This constraint defines the behavior of
Major Failure check
box for work orders.
Failure Information
Information about
the type of failure experienced by the asset. This constraint defines the
behavior of the grid on the
Failures tab in the Work
Order InfoViewer.
Linked Work Orders
The work orders
that are subordinate or are follow-ups to the "main" work order. This
constraint defines the behavior of the
Linked Work Orders tab
in the Work Order InfoViewer.
Any additional
information about the work order. This constraint defines the behavior of the
Comments field for
work orders.
Estimated Tasks
The tasks, or
individual steps, that make up the activity. This constraint defines the
behavior of the
Estimated Tasks tab in
the Work Order InfoViewer.
The log entries
detailing activities related to the work order, such as meeting notes, letters
sent, or any problems discovered when performing the work order. This
constraint defines the behavior of the grid on the
Log tab of the Work
Order InfoViewer.
The dates that the
work order is scheduled to start and when it is due. This constraint defines
the behavior of the
Schedules tab in the
Work Order InfoViewer.
Resource Usage
The resource usage
costs for a work order. This constraint defines the behavior of the Add Work
Order Usage dialog box in the Work Order InfoViewer.
Status Checks
The status checks
for the work order's milestones. This constraint defines the behavior of the
grid on the
Status Checks tab in the
Work Order InfoViewer. The status checks constraint can only be used by
activities with milestones.
Planned Quantity
The amount of
work required by the work order, such as the length of a water main that
must be installed or the amount of oil required to change the oil in a
vehicle. This constraint defines the behavior of the Planned Qty field
for work orders. |