Custom variables
Custom variables are like named placeholders used in formulas to represent a value. Because the variable is defined in only one place, changes made to the value will automatically apply to all instances of the variable. For example, a custom variable named ChngAddrFee is defined that represents the fee for a change of address and is assigned a value of $5.00. This variable could then be used in any formula that calculates the fee for address changes. If the fee is increased $7.00, update the value of the variable, and the new value is automatically updated wherever the variable is used.
A custom variable consists of a name, a data type, and a value. Variable names cannot have spaces, must be unique, and should be useful in identifying the purpose of the variable. For example, to define a variable for a fee assessed when a customer first files an application, the name ApplicationFee or FilingFee could be used. Such a name clearly indicates what the variable is for.