Edit box properties


An edit box is a field that users can enter data into, such as an Employee ID field or a Street Name field. Edit boxes are the most common controls used in Infor Public Sector. Many edit boxes include a popup, which you can activate when you define the edit box's properties.

ID (advanced)Identification code for the edit box. Infor Public Sector automatically generates an identification code for each control you add in the Page Editor. Although you can change these identification codes, we recommend that you use the default values.


EditAccessId (advanced)Access ID for the permission that users must be granted to edit the information in the edit box.
ViewAccessId (advanced)Access ID for the permission that users must be granted to view the edit box.
ZoomAccessId (advanced) Access ID for the permission that users must be granted to zoom from the edit box. Zooming means clicking on a label to open the associated InfoViewer.


LabelAboveEditArea Indicates whether Infor Public Sector will show the label above the edit box. By default the label is displayed to the left of the edit box.
LabelText Text of the edit box’s label.
EditAreaTip (advanced)Tooltip that is displayed when a user hovers over the edit box.
LabelCssClass (advanced)CSS class that defines the style that will be applied to the edit box’s label. The classes used in the Infor Public Sector interface are defined in the standard.css style sheet, located in the client subdirectory within your Infor Public Sector directory.
LabelTip (advanced)Tooltip that is displayed when a user hovers over the edit box’s label.
PopupIsMultiPopup (advanced)Indicates whether the edit box has a multi-field popup button. This property only applies if you set the HasPopupButton property under Behavior to True.
TextAreaCssClass (advanced)CSS class that defines the style that will be applied to the text inside the edit box. The classes used in the Infor Public Sector interface are defined in the standard.css style sheet, located in the client subdirectory within your Infor Public Sector directory.
Visible (advanced)The edit box will be hidden if you set the Visible property to False.
ShowInPortal (advanced) For detail pages, this property indicates whether the edit box will be included when the detail is displayed in Infor Rhythm for Civics.


HasPopupButton Indicates whether a popup button is displayed to the right of the edit box.
Required Indicates whether the user will be required to enter information in the edit box before a record can be saved.
ConvertNullRecs (advanced)Indicates whether Infor Public Sector will display a blank field for a null record in the database. A null record in the database is indicated by a 1, so this will show a blank field rather than a 1.
DisableAutoComplete (advanced)Set to True to disable AutoComplete for the edit box.
DisabledCanEdit (advanced)Indicates whether users can make a disabled edit box editable by clicking the Edit button at the top of an InfoViewer. A control is disabled if its Enabled property is set to False, or if the page is opened through an InfoViewer.
DontClear (advanced)If set to True, the edit box will not be cleared when the page is cleared.
Enabled (advanced)Indicates whether the edit box is enabled for user interaction when the user first opens the page it is displayed on.
FollowsAfter (advanced)ID of the control that the edit box follows in the page's tab order.
MultiLine (advanced)Indicates whether the edit box will accept multiple lines of text.
PasswordMasked (advanced)Indicates whether Infor Public Sector will mask the text that you enter in the edit box by converting each character to a dot.
ShowPopupWhenDisabled (advanced)Indicates whether Infor Public Sector will show the edit box’s popup button when the edit box is disabled. The popup button will function even if the edit box is disabled, so you can use the popup to enter a value in the edit box even if you can’t type in it directly.
TabIndex (advanced)Index number representing the position of the edit box within the page’s tabbing order. The tabbing order is the order in which elements receive focus when a user presses the Tab key.


FormatTypeType of data that users can enter in the edit box. You can select General, Decimal, Integer, Currency, Date, DateandTime, Phone, Mask, or AlphaNum (alphanumeric). The format type you select must be compatible with the data type of the property the edit box is bound to. Additional properties are displayed depending on the format type you select.
MaxLengthMaximum number of characters allowed in the edit box. This field is displayed if you select General or AlphaNum as the format type.
MinLengthMinimum number of characters allowed in the edit box. is displayed if you select General or AlphaNum as the format type.
DisableSpellCheck (advanced)Set to True to disable spell check for the edit box.


LabelOffsetAmount of space, in pixels, reserved for the edit box’s label.
HeightHeight of the edit box in pixels.
WidthWidth of the edit box in pixels.
Left (advanced)Position of the left edge of the edit box, in pixels.
Top (advanced)Position of the top of the edit box, in pixels.


InfoViewerMethod that will be executed when a user clicks on the edit box’s label. In most cases this will open the associated InfoViewer.
ValidationFormulaFormula that will be used to validate the data that is entered in the edit box.
OnRenderFormula Formula that is executed when the edit box is rendered on the page. For example, you can use a formula to show or hide the edit box by changing the value of the Visible property.
OnEveryKeyPressJavascript (advanced)Name of the JavaScript function that will be executed when a user presses any key inside the edit box.
OnPopupSelectedRule (advanced)Method that will be executed when a user clicks the popup button. You can use the OpenAgencyPopupSearch method here to open address, contact, or asset popups.

See OpenAgencyPopupSearch.

OnTextChangedRule (advanced)Method that will be executed when a user changes the text in the edit box.

See Rules.


Bind Business object property the edit box is bound to. Because the Infor Public Sector interface interacts with the database through the business layer, the bind serves to indicate where the data in this edit box is stored. Click this button to open the Bind Selection dialog box, which shows the available business objects in a tree. If the edit box is already bound the button shows the property it is bound to. Note that the bind property’s data type must be compatible with the edit box’s format type.
TextDefault value of the edit box. The text you enter here is displayed in the edit box when a user first opens the page it is displayed on.
LabelBind (advanced)Business object property the edit box’s label is bound to.
Moniker (advanced)Moniker of the business object the edit box is bound to. The Moniker and Bind fields specify the popup Infor Public Sector will show for the edit box. Note that the moniker should specify the business object of the property the control is bound to.