Converting to .Resources
To convert your modified .resx files to .Resources, first copy the batch files from the Infor Public Sector download to your working folder. These files can be found in the ApplicationFiles\Hansen8 directory in the download. BuildRes.bat is the primary batch file, and BuildRes-AU.bat , BuildRes-JP.bat , and BuildRes-US.bat create resource files that are localized for Australia, Japan, and the United States.
The batch files should be placed one level above the ResX folder within your working directory, because they are written to look for the .resx files within the ResX folder.
To convert the files, run BuildRes.bat, either through the command line or by double-clicking on it. The batch file will create a bin directory if one doesn’t already exist, which will contain the newly generated .Resources files.
Finally, the modified .Resources files should be placed in the bin directory in your build of Infor Public Sector. You must also reset IIS before your changes are displayed in the Infor Public Sector interface.