Canadian addresses

This table shows the business object properties and database columns that identify Canadian addresses. The first four columns of each row indicate whether the specified property is displayed in the Address control for addresses, blocks, intersections, and range addresses.

A B I R Property Name Column Name
x x x x Type CAADDRTYPE
x x x StreetNumber CASTNO
x StreetNumberHigh CASTNOHI
x x x x PreDirection CAPREDIR
x x x x StreetName CASTNAME
x x x x StreetSuffix CASUFFIX
x x x x PostDirection CAPOSTDIR
x CompassDirection CACOMPDIR
x x StreetSubDesignation CASTSUB
x x x x City CACITY
x x x x Province CAPROVINCE
x x x x PostalCode CAPOSTCODE
x x x x Street2PreDirection CAST2PREDIR
x x x x Street2Name CAST2NAME
x x x x Street2Suffix CAST2SUFFIX
x x x x Street2PostDirection CAST2POSTDIR
x x x x Street3PreDirection CAST3PREDIR
x x x x Street3Name CAST3NAME
x x x x Street3Suffix CAST3SUFFIX
x x x x Street3PostDirection CAST3POSTDIR