Menu configuration

The Menu configuration defines the structure of the Infor Public Sector menu, and can be used to customize the menu to fit an agency’s requirements. For example, you can add menu items that will access external URLs such as agency intranets or other browser-based applications.

The menu includes a number of submenus, which in most cases represent specific Infor Public Sector modules. Each submenu is in turn divided into a number of sections, which include menu items that provide access to specific applets or URLs.

The menu pages are known as choice page menus. For example, the Transaction Management page in Infor Public Sector Inventory is a choice page menu. The choice page menu has a number of submenus, which are displayed as tabs along the top of the page. The menu items on each tab are grouped into one or more sections, and displayed on one or more rows within each section. Each menu item is displayed as a link that will open a specified applet.

The Menu configuration has a root Main Menu node with one attribute:

Attribute Description
displayText Display text of the main menu.

The Main Menu node has a number of Submenu nodes as children. Each Submenu node has one attribute:

Attribute Description
Display Text Text that is displayed in the submenu’s title bar.

Each submenu, in turn, has one or more Section nodes as children. The Section node has these attributes:

Attribute Description
Editable ID This is an internal value, and should not be changed.
displayText Text that is displayed in the section’s title bar.

Finally, each section has one or more Item nodes as children, each of which defines one of the options that are displayed in the menu. Each item can have these attributes:

Attribute Description
Access Id Access ID for the menu item. The access ID is a unique number that identifies the permission in Access Control that users must be granted to gain access to this item.
Applet Init Param(s) List of parameters to pass to the applet, if an applet moniker is defined for the menu item. Multiple parameters can be separated by the | character.
Applet Moniker Moniker of the applet that will open when the user clicks on this item.
Note: If you add a menu item for an agency-defined applet, the applet must be added to AgencyPersonalization.config.
Display Text Display text for the menu item.
Excluded License If you enter a license, then any users with that license will not have access to this menu item.
External URL External URL that the menu item will open. You can use this attribute to add external links to the Infor Public Sector menu.
Form Code Form code that can be used to open this menu item.
Home Page Rule Specifies a method of the HomePageApplet that will be executed when the user selects this menu item.
Is Cloud Enabled Indicates whether the menu item is displayed in a cloud deployment.
Open Window Indicates if you want to open the external URL in a separate window. Users can thus access the URL without navigating away from Infor Public Sector.
Required License License that users must be granted to have access to this menu item.
Window Height Height of the window that will open if you set the Open Window attribute to True.
Window Width Height of the window that will open if you set the Open Window attribute to True.

Each item can have one CHOICEPAGEMENU node as a child. The CHOICEPAGEMENU node has these attributes:

Attribute Description
Display in Menu Indicates whether this choice page is displayed in the menu.
Menu Source Source of the choice page. Set to 0 for system menus, or 1 for agency-defined menus.
name Name that is displayed at the top of the page.
Required License License that users must be granted to have access to this choice page.
titleicon Path and file name of the image file that is used for the icon at the top of the page. The path is relative to the client\images directory within the Infor Public Sector application directory.

The CHOICEPAGEMENU node can have one or more Submenu nodes as children. Each Submenu node defines a tab on the menu page, and has these attributes:

Attribute Description
license Name of the license Infor Public Sector checks before displaying the submenu.
name Display name of the submenu. This is the name that is displayed on the tab for the submenu.
qaid Used for internal testing.

The subheadings on each tab are defined as Section nodes, which are children of the tab’s Submenu node. Each Section node can have these attributes:

Attribute Description
title Display title of the menu section.
titleicon Path and file name of the image file that is used for icon at the top of the subsection. The path is relative to the client\images directory within the Infor Public Sector application directory.

The links that are displayed in each section are defined in an ITEMS node. Within each ITEMS node is a ROW node for each row in the section, which contains an Item node for each link. The Item node has these attributes:

Attribute Description
accid Access ID for the menu item. The access ID is a unique number that identifies the permission in Access Control that users must be granted to gain access to this item.
appletInitParam Parameter to pass to the applet that the item opens.
Form Code Form code that can be used to open this item.
moniker Moniker of the applet that will open when the user clicks on this item.
Note: If you add a menu item for an agency-defined applet, the applet must be added to AgencyPersonalization.config.
name Display name of the menu item.
qaid Used for internal testing.