CASS configuration

Server side only

The CASS configuration is used to connect Infor Public Sector to your CASS application.

The root CASS node can have four children: CASSSETTINGS, GROUP1, ANCHOR, and SATORI. The SATORI node is not currently supported, and should not be used.


The CASSSETTINGS node defines the basic setting for the agency’s CASS certification. The CASSSETTINGS node has these attributes:

Attribute Description
Assembly Name File name of the CASS assembly.
Assembly Path Full path of the directory that contains the CASS assembly.
CASS Provider Name of the application that the agency uses for CASS certification.
Enabled Indicates whether CASS functionality is enabled.
Hansen Moniker Moniker of the Hansen business object that interacts with the CASS application.


The GROUP1 node defines setting for Pitney Bowes (formerly Group1) CODE-1 Plus. The GROUP1 node has these attributes:

Attribute Description
Connection Timeout Number of milliseconds before the connection times out.
Group1 Account ID Login ID for Group1.
Group1 Account Password Login password for Group1.
Group1 Host Name or IP address of the Group1 server.
Group1 Input File Path Full path and file name of the Group1 input file.
Group1 Job Batch File Path Full path and file name of the Group1 batch file.
Group1 Local Presort Flag Can be set to True or False to indicate whether Group1 is installed on the same server as Infor Public Sector.
Group1 Output Exception File Path Full path and file name of the Group1 output exception file.
Group1 Output File Path Full path and file name of the Group1 output file.
Group1 Port Port number for Group1 on the server specified in the Group1 Host attribute.
Group1 Record Block Count Number of records to be processed in a single block.
Remote Presort URL URL of the presorting web service on the Group1 server.
Supports Move Updates Indicates whether move updates are supported for Group 1. If you set the value to False, the Move Updates button is not displayed in CASS Tasks.