Reports configuration
The Reports configuration stores general report settings, and the reports that are configured for display in Infor Public Sector. Most of the information in this configuration is defined in the Reports Manager.
The root
node of the Reports configuration can have these attributes:Attribute | Description |
Ad Hoc Reports Crystal Report Path | Path to the .rpt file that will be used to show ad hoc reports in Crystal. |
Ad Hoc Reports Report Type | Indicates how ad hoc reports will be displayed. You can specify Crystal or Xslt. Note that the Reports folder in the Infor Public Sector application folder includes a default Crystal report and a default XSL stylesheet for printing ad hoc reports. |
Ad Hoc Reports Xsl Path | Path to the XSL style sheet that will be used for Xslt reports. The default is /Reports/XSL/Core/PrintAdhocReport.xsl. |
Ad Hoc Reports Xsl Temporary Path | Full path to the directory where Infor Public Sector will place the HTML output file for Xslt reports. |
arrangeInAlphaOrder | Indicates whether reports are arranged in alphabetical order. |
Crystal Enterprise Server Url | Full path of OpenDocument.aspx. OpenDocument.aspx is the page Crystal Enterprise Server uses to show reports. |
crystalReportsVersion | Version number of Crystal reports. |
Default Base File Path | Default path for Crystal .rpt files. |
Default Base Url | Base URL that is used to show URL reports. |
Default Path for File System report files | Default path to use for file system reports. |
Report File Export Path | Location where report output files will be saved. |
SSRS Report Execution Timeout | Timeout, in milliseconds, for SSRS reports. |
SSRS Report Manager Url | Location of the Report Manager. |
SSRS Root Report Path | Root path for SSRS report files on the SSRS server. This root path will be added to the beginning of the report path of each SSRS report. |
SSRS Web Service Url | URL of the report web services. |
Use report server for parameter options instead | Defines how users will enter parameters when viewing SSRS reports. If No, Infor Public Sector will show its own prompt for the user to enter the parameters. If Yes, the SSRS prompt from the report server is displayed instead. |
node has a number of nodes as children. Each node specifies a page for which reports are defined, and has these attributes:Attribute | Description |
key in appletMoniker:pageurl format | Moniker and URL of the page for which reports are defined. |
When set, the page will only show in reports manager if the license matches. | License that users must be granted to have access to the reports on this page. If you do not enter a license, then all users who have access to the page will have access to its reports. |
node has one or more nodes as children. Each node defines a report for the specified page, and can have these attributes:Attribute | Description |
Access Id | Access ID for the report. The access ID is a unique number that identifies the permission in Access Control that users must be granted to gain access to this report. |
attachment | Primary key of the attachment to show for an attachment report. |
Attachment Catalog | Attachment catalog where the attachment is located. |
Birst Module | Module that a Birst report belongs to. Can be Designer or Dashboard. |
Birst Space Id | Space where a Birst report is located. |
Business Object Component | When Birst, Crystal Embedded, Crystal Enterprise Server, or SSRS reports are set up as general reports, this specifies the business object that provides the report data. This is necessary for general reports because they aren't connected to specific pages. |
CE document name | Name of a Crystal Enterprise report. |
CE document path | Location of a Crystal Enterprise report within the repository. |
Connectivity | Indicates whether the data source for a Crystal embedded report is the Infor Public Sector database or another database. |
Display Title | Display title of the report. |
Email Component | Component that Infor Public Sector will use to determine the address to use when emailing a Birst, Crystal embedded, keyword, or SSRS report. For example, a building application report might use the email address of the primary applicant. |
Email Delivery Method | Indicates how Birst, Crystal embedded, keyword, or SSRS reports will be emailed. Can be None, Attachment, or Body. |
Filesystem Base Path | Path for Crystal embedded .rpt files. This can be used to override the default path specified in the global report settings. |
Is default print | Indicates whether Infor Public Sector will print this report when users click the button on the parent page. |
Is For Lookup Only | Set to True if the report is defined for lookups. Users can then show reports based on multiple records selected in the lookup results grid. |
Keyword Report Output | Output format for a keyword report. Can be HTML, Text, XML, or RTF. |
Keyword Template File Path | Path to the template to use for a keyword report. |
Keyword XSLT File Path | Path to the style sheet that will be used to transform the XML for a keyword report. |
Report Filename | Path and file name of a Crystal embedded or file system report. |
Report Output | Output format for a Birst, Crystal embedded, or SSRS report. |
Report Type | Type of report, such as Birst or SSRS. |
Report's Unique Id | Unique ID of the report. This is a system-generated value. |
Required Complist Id | Business object property that must be populated for the report to be available. For example, for a work order report, WorkOrder.CompletedDateTime indicates that a work order must have a completion date for the report to be available. |
Show Report? | Indicates whether the report will be shown on the parent page. |
Show under documents | Indicates whether this report will be displayed using a | button rather than the standard button.
Url Report URL | URL of a Birst, SSRS, or URL report. |
Use Birst Root Path | Indicates whether the report uses the default path defined in the global report settings. There are separate paths for Designer reports and dashboards. |
use default location | Indicates whether the report uses the default location defined in the global report settings, such as whether a URL report will use the default URL. |
Use SSRS Root Path | Indicates whether the report uses the SSRS root report path defined in the global report settings. |
Uses access formula | Indicates whether a formula is used to determine whether the report is displayed on the parent page. |
node can have one or more nodes as children, which define parameters for the report. Each node has these attributes:Attribute | Description |
Component Id | Business object property to use for the parameter. |
Parameter Name | Name of the parameter |