Enumerations configuration

The Enumerations configuration defines the enumerations that are used in Infor Public Sector.

The Enumerations configuration has a root ENUMS node, with a number of enumeration nodes as children. The node for each enumeration in the tree shows the name of the enumeration as defined in the Full Enum Type Name attribute. Each enumeration node has these attributes:

Attribute Description
Default Value Default value of the enumeration.
Full Enum Type Name Name of the enumeration.
"None" Value Text to show for the null value of the enumeration, such as in a drop-down list.

Each enumeration node has a number of option nodes as children, each of which defines one of the items in the list. Each option node has these attributes:

Attribute Description
display text Text of the option as it is displayed in the user interface, such as in a drop-down list.
use? Indicates whether this option is used, such as whether it is displayed in drop-down lists. Set to False to disable an enumeration value for your site.
value Value of the option as it is stored in the database.