Cleaning up addresses

As you add data to the Infor Public Sector database, it can happen that you have multiple address records for the same address. In that case you can use Lookup Addresses to clean up these duplicate address records by copying all associated information to a single address record and then expiring the duplicates.

  1. Select Resources > Property > Lookup Addresses.
  2. Look up the address records that you want to clean up.
  3. Select the correct addresses in the Address Lookup Results grid.
  4. Click Action and select Update Selected Items.
    Infor Public Sector shows the Address Bulk Update dialog box. You can also use this dialog box to update address information in bulk.
  5. Under Options, check Point foreign keys to non-expired duplicate address.
    If you have multiple records in your database for the same address, each record will have a different primary key. Other records that are linked to the address, such as assets, service requests, and permits, will have one or another of these keys as foreign keys. When you clean up addresses, Infor Public Sector ensures that all of these associated records use the same foreign key so that only one address record is required for each physical address.
  6. Check Copy related information to non-expired duplicate addresses if you also want to copy related address information, such as notices and liens, to a single address record.
  7. Check Expire Unused if you want to expire the unused address records.
  8. Click Save.
    Infor Public Sector updates your address records and shows the numbers of records changed and expired under Statistics.