Global report settings

Use the Global Report Settings node in the Reports Manager to specify the defaults used when showing reports. The information entered on this page varies depending on the reporting tool being used. The global settings are grouped in these sections.


These are the global settings for Birst reports:

Birst Base Url
Specify the base URL for Birst.
Birst Root Report Path
Specify the root path for Birst Designer reports. The default is shared\.
Birst Root Dashboard Path
Specify the root path for Birst dashboards. The default is Collection\.
Web Service Username
Specify the user name for Birst.
Web Service Password
Specify the password for Birst.
Birst Spaces
Specify one or more Birst spaces in the grid.

For each space you must specify a description, the space ID, and the SSO password. The space ID and the SSO password can be found under Admin > Manage Space > Modify Properties in Birst.

SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS)

These are global settings for SSRS reports:

SSRS Report Manager Url
Specify the location of the Report Manager.
SSRS Report Web Service Url
Specify the URL of the report web services.
SSRS Root Report Path
Specify the root path for SSRS report files on the SSRS server. This root path is added to the beginning of the report path of each SSRS report for which the Use Report Root Path check box is selected.
Remote Errors
Indicate whether error messages are displayed from the SSRS server. If Enable is selected, error messages are displayed from the SSRS server. If Disable is selected, a generic error message is displayed when SSRS returns an error.
Use report server prompt for parameters?
Determines how users will enter parameters when viewing SSRS reports. If not selected, Infor Public Sector shows its own prompt for the user to enter the parameters. If selected, the SSRS prompt from the report server is displayed instead.

Crystal Reports

These are general settings for Crystal reports:

Crystal Reports Version
Select the version of Crystal Reports being used.
Crystal Enterprise Server aspx
To use the Crystal Enterprise Server, enter the full path of OpenDocument.aspx, which is the page used to show reports.
  • For Crystal 2008, OpenDocument.aspx is located in the OpenDocument/opendoc directory, so the full path on a server called InforPS is http://InforPS/OpenDocument/opendoc/opendocument.aspx.
  • For Crystal 2011, the path is http://InforPS/BOE/OpenDocument/opendoc/openDocument.jsp.
  • If using the embedded Crystal Reports viewer, specify the path to the location on your server where the report files are stored in the Default Path for Crystal .rpt files field.

    Select Enter URL to specify a path, or select Select PreConfigured URL and select the path from a drop-down list. The list shows all paths that have been specified for existing Crystal reports in the Reports Manager.

URL Reports

This section defines global settings for URL reports (other than SSRS reports).

Default URL for URL reports
Specify the URL used to show reports. Select Enter URL and specify a URL, or select Select PreConfigured URL and select the URL from a drop-down list. The list shows all URLs that have been specified for existing reports in the Reports Manager.

Ad Hoc Reports

These settings define the type of report used to print ad hoc reports. When an ad hoc report is run, the results are displayed in a grid. To print the report, it must be converted to a printable format.

Use a Crystal report or an XSL style sheet to format the report as HTML. The Reports folder in the Infor Public Sector application folder includes a default Crystal report and a default XSL style sheet for printing ad hoc reports.

Report Type
Select the report type to use (Crystal or Xslt).
  • If Crystal is selected, specify the path to the .rpt file in the Crystal Report Path field. The default report path (/Reports/CrystalXI/General/PrintRpt.rpt) is automatically displayed.
  • If Xslt is selected, specify the path to the XSL style sheet in the Xsl Path field. The default path (/Reports/XSL/Core/PrintAdhocReport.xsl) is automatically displayed. In the Temporary Path field, specify the full path to the directory where the HTML output file is placed, such as C:\TEMP.


This section contains settings for all report types.

Report File Export Path
Specify where report output files will be saved. Users require Write permission on this directory, because they will be creating new files when they export reports.
Default Path for File System Report Files
Specify the default path for file system reports in the field.
Arrange in alphabetical order
Select for reports to be listed alphabetically on each page.