Enter your search criteria at the top of the lookup.
Note that the search fields include lists that contain data
created by your agency during setup. For example, the Roadway Type list contains the roadway types
your agency has created, and the "Unit of Measure" lists include distance markers created by
your agency. Likewise, you can use the lists labeled Criteria 1 through Criteria 4 to search for
attached features, such as elements, attributes, lanes, and markings. You can
select a feature type, such as element,
and then use the list to the right to select a specific feature of that type,
such as bus_shelter. To narrow your
search even more, you can enter the name of a specific feature, such as bus
shelter S-5052, in the third field.
Infor Public Sector will search for roadways of the
specified type that have an attached bus shelter element called S-5052. The roadway type that you select from
the Roadway Type list
limits the features in the Criteria lists to those that are available for the roadway