Attaching an asset to a roadway

Note: When you attach an asset to a roadway in the Roadway InfoViewer, you're associating the assets and your records will reflect this association elsewhere in Infor Public Sector. For example, in the Asset Browser, a node for the attached asset is displayed within the roadway's node, and vice versa.
  1. Load the roadway you want into the Roadway InfoViewer.
  2. In the feature list, right-click anywhere to the right of the icon for the correct asset type and select Add new item of this type.
    The Asset Definition dialog box is displayed. The fields in the dialog box depend on your agency's roadway setup and may vary for different asset types.
    Note: If the asset type is not in the list, add it by modifying the feature list.
  3. Specify this information:
    Specify the identification code for the asset that you're attaching. The actual field label will depend on the asset type.
    Start Distance
    Specify the location or starting measurement of the asset along the roadway. If attaching the asset at a single point, such as a tree, specify its precise location on the roadway. If attaching the asset along a range, such as a landscape, specify the starting measurement for the range.
    End Distance
    If attaching the asset along a range, specify its ending measurement. This field is only displayed for asset types that can be attached along a range.
    If attaching the asset at a point, specify the asset's distance from the center of the roadway. Use zero as the center of the roadway, negative numbers to denote the distance from the center to the left, and positive numbers to denote the distance from the center to the right. For example, if the asset is 10 feet from the center of the roadway to the left,specify -10.
    Right of Way
    If your agency tracks the asset's right of way position, specify the code.
  4. Specify any other information about the asset's location on the roadway.
    You can specify the dates that the asset's attachment is effective, add comments about the attachment, or change the units of measure for any distance fields. The units that are initially displayed reflect the top ruler units assigned to the roadway in the Roadway InfoViewer Preferences dialog box, but you can use different units for the current asset. You can also select a distance marker instead of a unit of measure to indicate the asset's location. If your agency tracks additional, personalized information about this type of asset, specify that information in the lower half of the dialog box.
  5. Click Save.
    If the asset is attached along a range, a bar is displayed in the feature diagram showing the asset's ID. If the element is attached at a specific point, a point symbol is displayed in the feature diagram showing the asset's ID when you rest your mouse pointer on the symbol. If you didn't specify an effective date, Infor Public Sector automatically specifies the current date and time as the asset's attachment date. The roadway ID is also displayed in the Roadway field on the Associated tab when you open the attached asset in its InfoViewer.