Meter reading export
The export process creates an XML data file that lists the meters in one or more routes, which serves as a list of meters to be read. The export file is based on a template that uses keywords to identify the data to be included.
The data file is then sent to an external system that is used to record meter readings. After readings are recorded, you can import the meters and readings back into Infor Public Sector.
Before you can export meters you must set default export options in Meter Reading Export Setup. When you export meters you can use the default options or you can specify different values.
An export schedule is a single instance of a group of meters being exported. When you create an export schedule, you select one or more meter routes to be exported and schedule a date for the export to take place.
Meter export is a batch process, so the Batch Manager must be installed and running. Each export schedule is linked to a MeterExportRun task. Typically the task is added automatically, but you can also skip auto scheduling and add the task manually.