Exchanging a meter
- Select Asset Management > Assets > [Sewer, Storm, or Water].
- On the Meter tab, under Meter Management, click Exchange Meter.
Under Removed
Asset, specify this information:
- Meter ID
- Specify the identification code for the meter you're
Infor Public Sector also shows any associated registers and components. The Child Components grid lists all components for which the selected meter is listed as the master component.
- Reading
- Specify the meter reading at the time of exchange.
If you can't get an accurate reading, click Estimate Reading to have Infor Public Sector calculate an estimated reading for the old meter, and select the Estimated check box.
- Ready to Bill
- If you want this final reading to be approved and included in the next bill, select this check box.
Under Installed
Asset, specify this information:
- Meter ID, Register, Meter Component
- Select the check box for each asset that you're exchanging. Infor Public Sector enables the check box for each type of asset that is associated with the selected meter. For example, if the meter has an associated register, the Register check box is enabled. When you select a check box, the corresponding field is enabled so you can specify the ID of the asset you’re installing. You can also click the link to the right of the asset field to create a new asset. Only the assets that you select will be exchanged, so you can exchange a meter component or register without exchanging the meter itself.
- Reading
- Specify the meter reading at the time of installation.
Alternatively, you can click Record Zero Reading. Because the default value for the Reading field is 0.00, clicking the link indicates that you've deliberately entered a reading of 0.00.
Specify any other information about the installed asset.
You can specify a code in the Reader Code fields under Old Meter and New Meter to record any irregular circumstances, such as a meter malfunction or suspected meter tampering. Depending on the code, adding a reader code might direct Infor Public Sector to highlight the reading in a certain color when it is reviewed. The reader code can also specify a default service request type for the meter that can later be used to create a service request, such as a request to repair or inspect a faulty meter. Depending on your access rights, you can define new reader codes from the Reader Code field. To copy the location, structural, and associated information from the old meter to the new one, select Copy Data from Old Asset.
Click Save.
Infor Public Sector saves the information, clears the fields so that you can exchange more meters, and shows a message that the meters have been exchanged successfully.
The final reading is automatically added to the old meter record, and the initial reading is added to the new meter record. Infor Public Sector also transfers the location information, structural information, asset associations, and asset group associations from the old meter to the new one, and adds the new meter to any billing accounts at the address. If the meters were exchanged in the middle of a reading cycle, the account's usage will be calculated as the amount remaining on the old meter plus the amount accumulated on the new one.