Issuing requisitioned parts

After issue requests are approved you can select one or more line items in the grid on the Fulfillment tab and create issue transactions for the requested parts. To return issued parts to stock, use Transaction Management to create a return from issue transaction.

  1. Select Inventory > Materials Management > Materials Manager.
  2. Click the Fulfillment tab.
  3. Look up the issue requests for the parts you're issuing.
  4. Select one or more line items in the grid and click Issue.
    Infor Public Sector shows the Issue Parts dialog box. The line items that you selected are displayed in the grid at the bottom of the dialog box.
  5. Specify the date of the issue transaction in the Date field.
  6. Specify the ID of the employee the parts are being issued to in the Receiving Employee field.
  7. For each line item in the grid, specify the number of parts issued.
    If the parts were previously reserved for the employee who's receiving them, specify the transaction number in the Reserve Transaction # field.
  8. Click Save.