Creating an issue request line item

Use this procedure to request parts that are currently stocked in your agency's inventory. An issue request line item can be fulfilled by creating a stock issue transaction using either Transaction Management or the Materials Manager.

  1. Begin to create a requisition, or load an existing requisition in the InfoViewer and select the Line Items tab.
  2. Under the Line Items grid, click Add above the grid.
  3. Select Issue Request from the Request Type list.
  4. Select Cataloged Part from the Item Type list.
    A cataloged part is a part that is already stocked by your agency and assigned to one or more stock areas. You can only select Cataloged Part when creating an issue transaction because you can only issue parts that are in your inventory.
  5. Specify this information:
    Part #
    Specify the identification code for the part. If there's an existing description for the part in your agency's part catalog, it will automatically be entered into the Description field. Otherwise, you must type a description of the requested part into the field.
    Specify the number of parts you want.
    Need Date
    Specify the date on which you need the parts.
    Supplier Stock Area
    Specify the identification code for the stock area supplying the requested parts.
  6. Provide any other information that is required for the line item.
    If you didn't specify a delivery contact when you started creating the requisition, or if a different person is receiving this particular part, enter the contact information for the person in the Contact fields. You can also enter an estimated price for the part in the Estimated Unit Price field.
  7. Click Save.
    The requisition is updated with the new line item with a status of In Progress.