Completing an audit

After you've counted the parts in a stock area for an audit, you can complete the audit by recording the actual quantity of parts in your inventory.

  1. Select Inventory > Audits > Complete Audit.
  2. Enter search criteria to locate the audit that you want to complete.
  3. Click Search.
    A list of the open audits that match your search criteria is displayed.
  4. Enable editing in the grid and select the audit that you want to complete.
  5. Specify the audit's completion date and time in the Completed fields.
  6. Specify the number of parts in stock in the Counted Qty field.
  7. Specify the identification code for the employee who performed the audit in the Completed By field.
  8. Specify the number of hours it took to perform the audit in the Work Hours field.
  9. Click Save.
    Infor Public Sector updates the audit with the completion information, closes the audit, and removes it from the grid. A link is displayed above the grid so you can open the completed audit in the Audit InfoViewer. If the quantity of the parts in stock is different than the quantity calculated by Infor Public Sector, you can correct this discrepancy by creating an adjustment transaction.