Assembling a part kit

  1. Select Inventory > Transactions > Transaction Management.
  2. Click the Assemble tab.
  3. Click Create.
  4. Specify this information:
    Note: You can specify an identification code in each field, or load information in more than one field simultaneously using the popup accessed from the Location field or Part # field.
    Stock Area
    Specify the stock area of the part. This is a required field.
    Specify the location of the kit.
    Part #
    Specify the part number of the part defined as the kit. This is a required field.
  5. Under Transaction Information, specify this information:
    Specify the identification code for the employee assembling the kit. This is a required field.
    Specify the date the kit is assembled. This is a required field.
    Specify the number of kits to be assembled. This is a required field.
  6. Click Next.
    If component parts have been assigned to the kit in the part catalog, a tree is shown on the left listing each part. When you click a part in the tree, the part's stock locations and quantities are displayed under Stock Information on the right. If nothing is displayed in the tree, component parts have not yet been assigned to the kit. You can assign parts to a kit using your agency's part catalog.
  7. Verify that the correct stock locations and quantities are specified for each part in the kit.
  8. Click Save.