Reserve transactions
You must specify the type and quantity of the parts, the stock area where the parts are stocked, and the employee they're reserved for. To keep track of reserved parts, Infor Public Sector distinguishes between two different quantities: the quantity on hand is the total number of parts in the stock area, and the quantity available is the number of parts in the stock area that aren't reserved. For example, if there are 12 parts on hand and an employee reserves 5 of those, the quantity on hand will remain 12 and the quantity available will now be 7.
Note that the only change you can make to a completed reserve transaction record is to update its comments. If you must correct the on hand quantity of the part involved in the transaction, create an adjustment transaction. To issue the reserved parts, create an issue transaction and specify the reserve transaction's number. To return reserved parts to stock, use Transaction Management to create a return from reserve transaction.
Note also that Infor Public Sector doesn't necessarily prevent you from issuing reserved parts to an employee other than the employee they're reserved for. When you create an issue transaction for more than the quantity available in a stock area, a warning message is shown and you have the option of canceling the transaction, issuing only the quantity of parts available, or issuing the full quantity specified. If you issue the full quantity, the quantity available will be a negative number, indicating that more parts are reserved than are currently on hand in the stock area.