Creating an asset inspection for a service request

If a service request is associated with an asset, and the request type allows asset inspections, you can create an asset inspection from the service request. You can also use the Associations tab of the Service Request InfoViewer to associate an existing asset inspection with a service request.

  1. Open a service request in the Service Request InfoViewer.
  2. Click the Action button and select Open a New Asset Inspection.
  3. Specify the type of inspection you're creating.
    If the inspection type you want is in the Previously Used Inspection Types grid, you can select it. You can also specify a different inspection type in the Inspection Type field. If a default inspection type is associated with the request type, that inspection type will be displayed automatically.
  4. Click Next.
    Infor Public Sector starts an asset inspection of the specified inspection type for the service request's asset, and copies the location information from the service request.
  5. Specify the inspection information.
  6. Click Save.
    Infor Public Sector saves the inspection and links it to the request. When you open the service request in the Service Request InfoViewer, the inspection is displayed in the Associated Asset Inspections grid on the Associations tab.