Starting a use application
- Select Use Permits > Application > Start Application.
- Specify the type of application that you're starting in the Application Type field.
On the
Sites tab, under
Primary Site, enter
information about the location of the event or construction site.
Specify an address, asset, parcel ID, or property ID. You can select a different site type from the Primary Site list. Note that assets can only be used as sites if the Enable Asset Sites check box is selected in Use Permits System Setup.Any addresses, parcels, properties, or building assets that are linked to the application's primary site automatically are displayed under Linked Sites. (Buildings are the only assets that are displayed as linked sites.) Unlike associated sites, which are linked directly to the application, linked sites are linked to the primary site.Note: An application's linked sites only include sites that are associated with the primary site at the time that the primary site is specified. To maintain historical accuracy, any later changes are not reflected in the linked sites. For example, suppose the primary site is an address that has one linked parcel. If you later remove the link between the address and the parcel in the Address InfoViewer, the application's linked sites will still include the parcel.
Associated Sites, enter
any secondary or related sites for this application.
Associated sites are locations that are related to the application in some way, such as neighboring blocks. For example, an application for a block party might list the party's neighboring blocks as associated sites because they might be affected by the party. Unlike linked sites, associated sites are linked to the current application only and not to the application's primary site.
- Click Add above the grid.
- Select the type of site you're associating from the Site Type list.
- Specify the site in the appropriate field or fields.
- Click Select.
- On the Applicants tab, enter the contact information for the primary applicant.
Enter any additional applicants in the
Other Applicants grid.
If the primary site is an address, parcel, or property, Infor Public Sector will search for any contacts who are current owners and automatically add them as applicants. If there is only one owner, that contact will be the primary applicant. If there is more than one current owner, the rules for selecting the primary applicant depend on the type of site.For an address or property, the primary applicant is selected randomly. For a parcel, the primary owner will be the primary applicant. If a parcel has no primary owner, or more than one, the contact with the highest percentage owned will be the primary applicant. If the primary applicant can’t be determined based on the percentage owned, Infor Public Sector will select one at random. In each case, all other owners are added to the Other Applicants grid.Finally, if an address has no owners, Infor Public Sector will search for owners of any linked parcels. Similarly, if a parcel has no owners, Infor Public Sector will search for owners of any linked addresses. The owners of the linked parcels or addresses will be added as applicants following the rules stated above.
If required, indicate which applicant is the responsible account
If your agency is using CDR Billing, the responsible account holder is the applicant who will be the responsible party for the associated account. Depending on the application type, you may be required to indicate which applicant will be responsible for the account. Some application types always use the primary applicant. If the application type allows another applicant to be the account holder, Infor Public Sector shows a Resp Account Holder check box for the primary applicant and each other applicant. You can then select the check box for the applicant who will be responsible for the account.
On the
Job Description tab, enter
information about the job or activity that is to be performed.
You can specify the type of work being done, the structure's proposed use, or occupancy type, and any customer comments or important notes about the project. If the current application was based on a job estimate, Infor Public Sector automatically shows the name of the job estimate, the square footage from the estimate, and the appropriate valuations. You can attach files related to the application, such as use plans or pictures of the job site.If your agency has defined application details, Infor Public Sector also shows a details tab. Enter detail information on this tab according to your agency's policies.
When you're finished entering application information, click
Infor Public Sector saves the application and shows its application number and a message that the application has been added. You can click the A/P # link to view and edit the application in the Application InfoViewer. It also shows any standard operating procedures for the application and a list of actions that you can perform by clicking the link. You can start a new application, either from scratch or with all the current application's information except its primary site. Follow the current instructions to start a new application. You can also pay any fees that were automatically added to the application and check the application's status to see if any requirements must be fulfilled before this application can advance to the next milestone.
If your agency is using CDR Billing, the application will also be associated with a billing account. To associate an account, Infor Public Sector first searches for an existing account that matches the application information. If no existing account is found, Infor Public Sector creates a new one.