My Infor core CDR items
In addition to the items that are available for each individual module, there is a group of items in My Infor that apply to all CDR modules. You can show one or more of these core CDR items:
Item | Description |
Incomplete Hearings | This dashboard uses angular gauges to show the number of incomplete hearings for each CDR module the agency has purchased. Note that Code Enforcement and Planning are the only modules that use hearings, so these are the only gauges that will be displayed. |
Incomplete Inspections | This dashboard uses angular gauges to show the number of incomplete inspections for each CDR module the agency has purchased. |
Incomplete Reviews | This dashboard uses angular gauges to show the number of incomplete reviews for each CDR module the agency has purchased. |
Open Records | This dashboard uses angular gauges to show the number of open or active applications, cases, or licenses for each CDR module the agency has purchased. For example, the | panel shows the number of open building applications and the panel shows the number of active trade licenses.
Top 10 Licensed Contacts by Completed | This dashboard uses a linear gauge to show the 10 licensed contacts (usually contractors) with the highest numbers of completed building, project, planning, and use applications. Note that the total for each licensed contact only includes applications where the contact is the primary applicant. |
Top 10 Licensed Contacts by Fees | This dashboard uses a linear gauge to show the 10 licensed contacts with the largest fee payments for building, project, planning, and use applications. Note that the total for each licensed contact only includes applications where the contact is the primary applicant. |
Top 10 Licensed Contacts by Fees CDR Billing | Similar to the Top 10 Licensed Contacts by Fees item, but shows the top 10 contacts based on CDR Billing transactions. |