Defining a review type

You can define a review type under the Activities and Fees node or under a milestone node. When you define a review type under Activities and Fees, you can associate it with the milestone at which Infor Public Sector adds the review. When you define a review type under a milestone node, it is automatically associated with that milestone.

  1. Select Project > Setup > Application Workflow.
  2. In the Application Types tree, browse to the review types for the correct application type or milestone.
  3. Click the Reviews node.
  4. Click Add above the grid.
  5. Specify this information:
    Review Type
    Specify a name for the review type.

    The name must be unique within the application type but can be reused in other application types.

    Enter a description of the review type.
    Due Within
    Specify the number of days within which reviews must be completed.
    Working Days
    Select the check box if you only want to count working days when calculating the due date for a review.

    Infor Public Sector will count the number of working days specified in the Due WIthin field, skipping weekends and holidays. If you do not select this check box, Infor Public Sector counts all days.

  6. Select the Show in Portal check box if you want reviews of this type to be shown in Infor Rhythm for Civics.
    Rhythm for Civics is a cloud-based web portal for Infor Public Sector. You can also select the Is Public check box to show reviews to members of the public. You can enter an alternative description of the review type to be displayed in the portal in the Portal Description field. See the Infor Rhythm for Civics Administration Guide for more information.
  7. Enter any other information about the review type.
  8. Click Save.
  9. When you're finished defining review types, click Close and set up access control for each type.