Calculating whether to schedule an inspection
You can direct Infor Public Sector to calculate whether an inspection can be scheduled using a schedule condition formula. For example, you could write a formula that classifies an inspection type as unable to be scheduled in applications at the Issued milestone.
Schedule condition formulas use the oProjectApplication
object (an instance of the Hansen.CDR.Project.iProjectApplication
class) and the oInspection
object (an instance of the Hansen.CDR.Project.iProjectApplication
class) to set
to either True or False. If
the formula returns True, the inspection can be
scheduled. If the formula returns False, Infor Public Sector doesn't update the inspection schedule
information. For more information about this object and for sample code, click the
Information tab in the
Formula Editor.
This formula classifies an inspection type as unable to be scheduled in applications at the Issued milestone.
IsInspectionScheduleable = True
If (oProjectApplication.ProcessState.Code.ToUpper =
"ISSUED") Then
IsInspectionScheduleable = False
End If