Calculating an activation rule

You can direct Infor Public Sector to calculate the criteria that will halt an application process if an associated planning condition has not been removed or met using a milestone formula. For example, you could write a formula that halts a Park application if its square footage is greater than 10000 unless its associated planning condition has been removed or met. You specify an activation rule formula when you define a formula activation rule for a planning condition type. Note that you must select a CDR product from the Community Development Application Type list before you can access the Formula popup.

Activation rule formulas use the oBldgApp object, the oPlanApp object, or the oProjectApp object (an instance of the Hansen.CDR.Building.iBuildingApplication class, an instance of the Hansen.CDR.Planning.iPlanningApplication class, or an instance of the Hansen.CDR.Project.iProjectApplication class) to set MilestoneCheck to a Boolean value. If the formula returns True, the planning condition will not halt the application process. If the formula returns False, the application cannot advance to its next milestone. For more information about this object and for sample code, click the Information tab in the Formula Editor.