Status check formulas
Formulas can be used for more complex status checks. For example, you could write a formula that requires a priority level in the Priority field for any case where Call has been entered in the Source field.
Status check formulas use the oCase
object (an
instance of the Hansen.CDR.CodeEnforcement.iCase
to set StateCheck
to either True or False. If the formula
returns True, Infor Public Sector halts the code enforcement process. If the formula returns
False, Infor Public Sector doesn't halt the code enforcement process. For more information
about this object and for sample code, click the Information tab in the Formula Editor.
This formula requires an address for the case:
StateCheck = False
If oCase.Address.AddressKey = 1 Then
StateCheck = True
End If
This formula requires a priority level for any case taken at a call center:
StateCheck = False
If (oCase.Source.Code.ToUpper = "CALL")
And (oCase.Priority.Code = "") Then
StateCheck = True
End If
This formula requires a primary contact for the case:
StateCheck = True
dim oContact as Hansen.CDR.CodeEnforcement.ICaseContact
For Each oContact in oCase.CaseContacts
If oContact.IsPrimaryContact = "True" Then
StateCheck= False
End If
Next oContact