Partial inspections
If an inspection has only been partially completed, you can record results for the completed portion so that construction work can continue. For example, an applicant who's completed duct work on half of a structure might request an inspection of that half so that dry walling can begin while the duct work is continuing on the other half. You can record inspection results for the completed portion and then create a reinspection to inspect the rest of the duct work once it is completed.
To create a partial inspection, select the Partial Inspection check box on the Inspection tab of the Inspection InfoViewer. The additional steps Infor Public Sector takes when you record results for a partial inspection depend on the result code that you specify. When you define an inspection result code in Code Definition Management, Infor Public Sector shows a Check for Partial field that you can set to Y (yes) or N (no). If the value is set to Y, Infor Public Sector will generate a reinspection when you record results for a partial inspection regardless of the result action specified for the code.