Defining a cash drawer template

  1. Select Cashiering > Management > Generate Cash Drawer.
  2. Click Add above the Drawer Generation Templates grid.
  3. Specify this information:
    Drawer Type
    Specify the identification code for the type of cash drawer.
    If your agency uses cashier-based cash drawers, specify the employee ID of the cashier to whom the drawer will be assigned.
    Register ID
    If your agency uses register-based cash drawers, specify the ID of the cash register that the drawer will be assigned to.
    Register Group
    For cashier-based cash drawers, specify the ID of the register group that the drawer will be associated with. For register-based cash drawers this field is display-only.
    Start Time
    Specify the start time for the cash drawer's session.
    Stop Time
    Specify the stop time for the cash drawer's session.
    Cash In Amount
    Specify the starting cash amount for the drawer.
    Cash Limit Amt
    Specify the maximum amount of cash allowed for the drawer.
    Batch Group
    If your agency is using Cashiering to accept payments for Infor Public Sector Billing, specify the batch group for the cash drawer.

    The batch group is a code that defines how Infor Public Sector will generate payment batches for cash drawers. Each batch group specifies information such as the batch description, the batch source, and whether payments in the batch are auto-posted. When you generate cash drawers, Infor Public Sector either assigns each drawer the current payment batch for the batch group or generates a new batch.

    Overage Budget #
    Budget number to use for overage adjustments. An overage occurs when the amount in the drawer is greater than the amount that is expected based on the drawer's transactions.
    Shortage Budget #
    Budget number to use for shortage adjustments. A shortage occurs when the amount in the drawer is less than the amount that is expected based on the drawer's transactions.
  4. Click Save.