Installing the hardware control

When you install the Infor device control, the installer also installs Microsoft POS for .NET 1.12.

  1. Run Setup.exe in the Infor Public Sector ISO or the SaaS toolkit to open the installer.
  2. On the first screen, click Install.
  3. On the second screen, enter your Infor Public Sector license key.
    Enter the product key that you received from Infor in the fields provided. By default, the installer uses a secure Internet connection to import your licenses. Alternatively, if you previously downloaded your license file, select License File and click Browse to open the license file. Then click Next.
  4. In the Setup tree, click Install Cashiering Device Support and select Install.
  5. In the Installation Folder field, enter the path to the folder where the device control will be installed.
    Note: Users must be granted full control to the installation folder for the device control to work properly.
  6. Click OK.
  7. Click Next.
    The installer shows the final screen in the installation process, and indicates that the product is ready to install.
  8. Click Install.
    The installer shows status messages as it completes the installation process. When installation is complete, the installer indicates whether the process was successful, and whether there were any errors. You can click View Log to open the installation log in the Log Viewer.