CallCentre configuration

The CallCentre configuration stores settings for Infor Public Sector Call Center. Most of these settings are defined in Call Center Admin.

The root CONFIG node in the CallCentre configuration has seven children: FORMULAE, HOMEPAGE, MAPDRAWING, SCRIPTNODES, SCRIPTPATH, SEARCH, and UI.


The FORMULAE node has these attributes:

Attribute Description
AddCallEventKey Primary key of the On Add Call formula. This formula is executed when the user adds a customer call in Call Center.
BeforeSaveEventKey Primary key of the Before Save formula. This formula is executed before the user saves a service request in Call Center.
DefaultValueFormulaKey Primary key of the Set Default Value formula. This formula is executed when the user selects a request type in Call Center, and can be used to set default values.
OnSavePromptEventKey Primary key of the On Save Prompt formula. This formula can be used to show a prompt when the user attempts to save a service request in Call Center.
PopulateFromAddressFormulaKey Primary key of the Populate From Address formula. This formula is executed when the user clicks the Populate Contact from Address button in Call Center.
PopulateFromContactFormulaKey Primary key of the Populate From Contact formula. This formula is executed when the user clicks the Populate Address from Contact button in Call Center.
SwitchToDetailFormulaKey Primary key of the Switch to Detail formula. This formula is executed when the user selects a request type in Call Center, and can be used to show a detail page.


The HOMEPAGE node has these attributes:

Attribute Description
homepageurl URL to be displayed in the Call Center home page.
UrlType Type of URL for the home page. Can be set to File or URL.


The MAPDRAWING node has these attributes:

Attribute Description
DefaultZoomLevel No longer used.
UseGIS Indicates whether Call Center will use GIS for address searches. By default, Call Center does not use GIS to locate addresses. Instead, the search uses the X and Y coordinates from the address record in the Infor Public Sector database.


The SCRIPTNODES node has these attributes:

Attribute Description
AccessId Access ID for the node. The access ID is a unique number that identifies the permission in Access Control that users must be granted to gain access to this node.
BlankUrl Default URL that Call Center will show for nodes with blank URLs.
IsInitiallyExpanded Indicates whether the node is expanded when the user shows the script.
MessageURL URL of the HTML page to show for this node.
Name Display name of the script node.
ProblemCode Service request type that is associated with this node.
TreeIcon Icon that will be displayed for this node in the script tree.
UrlType Type of URL for this node. Can be set to File or URL.

The SCRIPTNODES node has one or more ScriptNode nodes as children. ScriptNodes can also be nested under other ScriptNodes. Each ScriptNode node has these attributes:

Attribute Description
AccessId Access ID for the node. The access ID is a unique number that identifies the permission in Access Control that users must be granted to gain access to this node.
IsInitiallyExpanded Indicates whether the node is expanded when the user shows the script.
MessageURL URL of the HTML page to show for this node.
Name Display name of the script node.
ProblemCode Service request type that is associated with this node.
TreeIcon Icon that will be displayed for this node in the script tree.
UrlType Type of URL for this node. Can be set to File or URL.


The SCRIPTPATH node has these attributes:

Attribute Description
PhysicalPath Root directory path for the script nodes.
UrlPath Root URL for the script nodes.


The SEARCH node has these attributes:

Attribute Description
CaseManagementEventHandlerKey Primary key of the formula that Call Center will use to search for case managed requests.
CaseManagementRadiusFromAddress Radius within which Call Center will search for case managed requests.
DuplicateRequestCheck_CreatedInTheLastXMinutes Not used.
HistorySearchEventHandlerKey Primary key of the formula that Call Center will use for history searches.
JobsListExcludedRequestTypes Comma-separated list of service request types that will be excluded from the mobs list. The request types are identified by their primary keys.
RadiusFromAddress Radius within which Call Center will search for service requests and work orders for the jobs list.
SRExpireDays Number of days service requests and work orders are displayed in the jobs list after they're resolved or closed.
WaterOffEventHandlerKey Primary key of the formula that Call Center will use to search for water off requests.
WaterOffRadiusFromAddress Radius within which Call Center will search for water off requests.


The UI node has these attributes:

Attribute Description
AlwaysDisabledControls List of controls in Call Center that are always disabled.
AlwaysEditableControls List of controls in Call Center that are always editable.
DisableControlsAfterSave Indicates whether the controls in Call Center will be disabled after a service request is saved or loaded. This does not apply to the controls that are defined as always editable.
ProblemLookupType Indicates how the script will be displayed on the Problem tab in Call Center. Can be set to DropDownBox or Tree.
PromptIfAlreadySaved Not used.
PromptIfAlreadySavedMessage Not used.

The UI node has two children: DDBOX and SCRIPTFRAME.

The DDBOX node has these attributes:

Attribute Description
BlankSelectionText Text to be displayed in the drop-down box if no value is selected.
Left Left position of the drop-down box.
Space Space between drop-down boxes on the Problem tab.
Top Top position of the drop-down box.
Width Width of the drop-down box.

The SCRIPTFRAME node has these attributes:

Attribute Description
Height Height of the script window, in pixels.