Adding script nodes
Select .
Select the Script Tree tab.
Right-click an existing node and select Add Script Node.
Select the new node and specify this information:
- Name
- Specify a name for the script node.
- Is Initially Expanded
- Select this check box if you want Infor Public Sector to automatically expand the node when the script is loaded.
- Icon Name
- Specify the name of icon that will be displayed for the node. The
icon name is a CSS class name. The available classes are defined in
the .css files in the Client folder of the Infor Public Sector application directory. These icon names are
supported: bullet, entity, erp, error,
excel, folder, images, none, otherDoc,
page, pdf, powerpoint, systemCommand, text, trash,
video, warning, webpage, word.
- Request Type
- If this is an end node, specify a service request type. This is
the request type that will be assigned to the new service request
when this node is selected in Call Center.
- Specify the URL or the source location for the script page that
will be displayed when this node is selected.
Click Save.