Creating a direct debit run
- Select Billing > Payment > Create Direct Debit Run.
Specify this information:
- Bill Type
- Optionally, specify the bill type for which you are creating direct debit payments. If you specify a bill type, then you must also specify an extract through date.
- Billing Cycle
- Optionally, specify the billing cycle for which you are creating direct debit payments. If you specify a billing cycle, then you must also specify an extract through date.
- Bill Run #
- Optionally, specify the number of the bill run for which you are creating direct debit payments.
- Extract Through Date
- If you specified a bill type or billing cycle, or if you
selected the Process
Direct Debit Schedules check box, specify the
extract date for the direct debit run.
For example, if you specify a bill type and an extract through date, Infor Public Sector will create direct debit payments for all bills of the specified type whose extract dates fall on or before the selected date. (Each bill is assigned an extract date based on its due date and the associated account's direct debit cycle.)
- Generate File
- Clear this check box if you don't want to create an ACH
file for the run.
If you don't generate the ACH file, Infor Public Sector will still create the payment batch and the direct debit payments. You can thus review payment information before generating the ACH file.
- Process Direct Debit Schedules
- Optionally, select this check box to include payments for accounts that use direct debit schedules.
- Start Task
- Select Immediately if you
want the direct debit run to start right away, or select Scheduled to schedule the run for
If you selected Scheduled, specify the date and time you want the direct debit run to start.
Click Generate
A dialog box is displayed saying that the direct debit run was successfully scheduled and indicating the date and time it will begin. Infor Public Sector also adds a direct debit run task to the Batch Manager. You can use the Batch Manager Log to check the status of the task. -
Click Close to close the dialog box.
Infor Public Sector shows information on the progress of the direct debit run at the bottom of the page, such as the current status and the number of accounts that have been processed. While the run is in progress, you can click the Refresh button to update the text under Progress with the most current information.
If you click the Refresh Progress Status button after the direct debit run is complete, Infor Public Sector shows a message that the run has been completed, including its run number and the duration of the process. You can click the Add Another Direct Debit Run link to restore the blank Create Direct Debit Run form. You can click the Run # link to view the run in the Direct Debit Run InfoViewer.